Close-in Fielding, Jonty and Guts
The arrival of Jonty Rhodes in India has
highlighted an area of the game that is generally
ignored - Fielding.

Jonty Rhodes
He has named his best contemporary 'Fielding' team.
It's indeed a wonderful 'side' that he has
'picked', but he has ignored some extremely able
and competent close-in fielders, who really are the
ones who do immeasurable service without getting
the praise and compliments that a fleet-footed
'outfielder' receives.
Jonty was an exceptionally good fielder no doubt,
but was he as good at forward short-leg or silly
point? Going by the poor performance of Yuvraj,
Gambhir and Kaif at these positions (although the
last-named has demonstrated the capability but
lacks the requisite technique to field at the
'suicidal' short-leg position), it is not just
agility and quickness that are required, but
concentration, guts and also that uncanny ability
called the sixth sense. It is this ability that
distinguishes a good close-in fielder from a great
When one is young, one tends to be fearless.
Standing at the suicidal position is a great
challenge and even source of fun. One can stand day
in and day out at positions that could be fatal, in
club, office or even some irrelevant matches. Never
would the thought of being maimed or killed occur.
The brashness of youth!!
I did go through this phase. It was after taking a
few solid hits on the head and body that I felt I
needed protection, and my first option was to wear
a scooter helmet. I went to Roplas, the helmet
manufacturers, and they were extremely helpful in
making a helmet for me. Of course, those were early
days in the evolution of the cricket helmet, and
the piece I wore was completely different from the
specialized 'light' helmets that are presently in
I tried it this headgear in some Times of India
Shield games and the experiment turned out to be a
disaster. It restricted head movement and caused a
terrible ache at the end of the day. The helmet
also attracted severe criticism from journalists,
who felt that if a fielder standing close to the
bat did not have the guts to take a rap on his
head, he did not deserve to be there. The famous
writer Behram Contractor in his popular 'Round and
About' column that he wrote under the pseudonym
'Busybee' actually wrote a funny piece on it, about
how he gave me a lift on his scooter and how I
demonstrated the versatility of the helmet, ideal
as it was to wear while riding a two-wheeler and
also while playing cricket!
Years later, we met at a gathering shortly after my
dear friend Raman Lamba was killed fielding at
short-leg (without a helmet), and the very next
day, Behram wrote a piece criticizing his own
article written many years previously. It was a
terrific gesture from one of our best writers.
Today, the close-in fielders resemble Roman
soldiers in the 'armour' that they don while
fielding, from the helmet to various other hidden
padding. These protective pieces might well have
restricted their movement slightly. However, the
value of life is far more than a reckless piece of
Incidentally, Jonty picked only ten players in his
'Fielding' team. I am sure that had he seen someone
like Eknath Solkar, who was brilliant in each and
every part of the field, he would have made him the
captain of his 'Fielding XI'. I do feel that not a
single member of his 'Fielding' squad would have
stood at short-leg and clasped some unbelievable
reflex catches off dangerous hitters like Clive
Lloyd, Gary Sobers and Viv Richards.