Cricket is nothing but confidence. However one can't think of success if you
are not going to have fun. What I mean is that you must enjoy what you are
doing. Initially you play because you love the game. Playing with your
colleagues you learn a lot. As you go along, you realize that you have
something in you and that's a crucial time. Your coach gets you to work on the
This is the most important phase everyone has to go through. You must enjoy
that phase. I know one derives immense pleasure hitting the ball but the more
you work on your basics the more you will begin to enjoy your game. As a kid
you want to be in the action all the time. No one likes to get out first ball
or get hammered. Once you understand the technique that helps you perform, you
tend to have fun.
Not many like to work on fitness. At times it's boring. But as a kid you have
got to understand that unless you are fit you just can't perform and when you
fail, you just don't enjoy. You may not be able to play for the state or the
country but if you are fit, you are in a position to perform better in life.
Cricket is a team game which is played for longer hours than any field game and
during that period you enjoy with your colleagues. You gradually realize the
importance that you will not succeed all the time. But you also realize you
have to play for your team. In a field game it is your team that matters. And
to make you perform for your team, you develop your hunger to do well
There is misconception that to reach the top you have to practice whole day.
That's not correct. You have to have a set of plan to work on and don't forget
the intensity part. What's the use playing everyday if the intensity is
missing. Why not practice for 3 or 4 days working on skills and fitness than
playing entire week without doing anything proper.
As a teenager you have got to realize to spend a quality time. It's the quality
that matters. And when you focus on the quality time, you have more chances of
succeeding. Another important aspect is the goal setting. There is a saying
perfect practice makes you perfect but if you have long and short term goals,
you get the direction.
That's a key to your success. You can't be getting in a match or a tournament
without knowing what you plan to achieve. If you do that there is a likelihood
of you failing. Once you set the goal you can channelise your efforts. It's a
process and you have to go through that process to succeed.
Kids and their parents think of cricket as a career. When you think of the game
as a career, not only you don't enjoy the game but you invite pressure. And
then there is a tendency to neglect your studies. My advise to all the
youngsters is to concentrate on studies because you learn to be disciplined.
You have to do everything on time and at times you have to have willpower to
succeed. You have to develop the level of concentration while studying and
these are the qualities you require in cricket.
The endeavour of this website is to guide you in the game of cricket. Not all
the youngsters in this huge country get the right type of guidance. As I said
earlier have fun with the game but stick to basics. You will enjoy for a longer